Sunday 13 May 2018

Fight Propaganda

Fight Propaganda.

President Johnson inherited the Vietnam war from President Kennedy. Under him US troop numbers and casualties blew out. Under him the anti-war propaganda so captured the American people that nearly a decade later a Democrat Congress was so afraid of similarly influenced public opinion that it refused the help it had promised when the North again invaded the South. In that same year of US inaction – 1975 – Pol Pot took over Cambodia. Before he was ousted in 1979 by invading Vietnamese troops he had killed perhaps one in every three Cambodians. But during his murderous reign there was little criticism, let alone action by Western nations.

In both cases it seemed that the power of pro-Communist propaganda had brought about a paralysis in US and Australian political thinking.

In 1968 students were cheering “Ho, Ho, Ho Chi Minh” - adulating a ruthless dictator who had no compunction in killing half a million of his own people to bring in his “land reforms” and who waged war on the South after signing a treaty not to in 1954 and invaded the South after signing a treaty not to in 1973 – all at a cost of over three million lives. So people were making a hero out of a treacherous murdering, lying, tyrant. How absolutely stupid could we be!

Reminiscent perhaps of the crowd who could be so easily whipped up to demand that Pilate release a murderer and crucify the Author of Life!

This should sheet home to us the devastating power of unchecked propaganda!

Go back to the '60's. President Johnson wanted to institute social reforms. He refused to put energy into refuting the false propaganda, and particularly refused to put resources into publicly promoting and telling the truth about the war because he did not want to detract from his social agenda.

My point is that failing to fight “enemy” propaganda can have disastrous consequences. We can't change what happened in the 60's, and even trying to set the record straight as I have been here changes little. What is most important is to learn the hard lesson from the past and not make the same mistake in our current situation.

We are not now fighting with guns, but there is a desperate war being waged for control of our nations

From infancy our young people are being brainwashed. At school they are being converted to socialism and collectivism. Not just by teachers who themselves have been re-educated as devout collectivists, but by the curriculum slanted to be “anti” everything that has made the West great, and particularly anti-Christian. Then by methodology: self directed learning – have you ever heard of anything so silly! Down to subtle things like having to work in groups: no room here for individual thinkers or introverts!

Now schools are teaching “gender fluidity” - boys who like cooking are being told they are really girls “in a boys body” and encouraged at tender ages to undergo hormone treatment and surgery. Can you imagine the harvest of bitter, disillusioned, and deeply hurt individuals this will reap – right out of the Communist play book for destroying societies so that they can be captured and reformed. If that extreme fails, the rest of the schools' indoctrination towards sexual promiscuity will yield plenty of lost childhoods, narcissistic and immature adults, and unstable families – another aim of both Communists and Fascists.

The very fabric of our societies is being moth-eaten by so called “identity politics”. Instead of the unity of seeing ourselves as members of a great society – Americans, Australians, or whatever we are being divided. Made to hate our own culture. Made to think of ourselves as victims rather than lucky to be alive – and luckier still to be members of a free affluent society in the 21st century.

I could give more examples, but these should suffice to show the desperate straits we are in.

We need to be making more effort to counter this pervasive but destructive propaganda. One suggestion is to learn some of the counter arguments and be ready, politely, to correct falsehood when you hear it. But be warned: no matter how polite you are, you will be abused because those under the spell of this brainwashing hate anyone who does not agree absolutely wit them. So one must be determined to be resolute and strong. One good place to learn is the “Prager U” channel on You tube, it features short vidoes by knowledgeable people all all these current issues.

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