Answer Pt. 2
I pointed out last week if the state of the universe is that there is
no God, morals become just an arbitrary social construct.
the other hand, if the state of the universe is that there is a God
with a moral being, morals are not arbitrary constructs. There is an
absolute standard consisting of this God's moral being.
existence of such a God was my first hypothesis. It may or may not be
correct, at the moment I am just exploring what would follow if it
were the case. That is what one does with hypotheses.
second was that we humans had inherited at least some remnant
resonance with this nature. Well that would explain why for instance
we can be passionately affected by say injustice, even when we are
not the victim. Evolution cannot explain that. It also explains why
we can quite often discuss moral issues with people of quite
different socialisation, culture or world-view.
readers can at least find say Plato or Aristotle intelligible when
they deal with ethical issues. More than that, considering the
difference in our society to theirs we find a surprising amount
agreement with them.
am a bit more familiar with the Bible, so I will give some examples
from there. Abraham going down to Egypt because of a famine expects
the people there to kill him to take his beautiful wife. He finds
instead a strong ethical abhorrence to such behaviour. (In fact
Pharaoh comes out of the story on the high moral ground compared to
finds the foreign (and heathen) sailors unwilling to throw him into
the sea, even after he tells them that he is the cause of the storm
that is threatening their lives and that they must throw him
overboard to save themselves. Then when he tells the people of
Nineveh that they will be destroyed because of their murders, thefts,
cruelty and other evil deeds, his words are intelligible. They are a
cruel rapacious culture, but there is a shared moral awareness that
lets them understand that they have done evil, and to repent of it.
(much to Jonah's surprise and chagrin.)
was a Moabite, a foreigner to Israel's culture and religion. Yet her
loyalty to her mother-in-law Naomi touched the hearts of the
Israelite people of her day and still to us today.
point is that we see – brighter in some people and dimmer in others
– a sort of shared humanity that makes at least a degree of moral
understanding possible across huge cultural, experiential and
historical divides.
instance of this phenomenon that set me off on the above train of
thought was this:
enrolled in a free online “ethics 1.01” course offered by a
prestigious overseas university. It had videos of the lecturer
interacting with a theatre full of bright eyed youngsters. I didn't
keep going with it very long – but long enough to make this
observation: The lecturer was a brilliant showman, and to be fair he
tried to be even handed dealing with various moral theories. But his
whole approach was to throw up difficult moral situations and discuss
them back and forth with students who put their hand up to answer.
But, and here is the big thing, he relied on their having an innate
sense of right and wrong. He then produced these hypothetical
situations which seemed carefully designed to bring this innate moral
compass into conflict with a “common sense” course of action.
became apparent to me that it was actually a mental conjuring trick.
This strengthened when I was recounting one lecture to my elder son
and he replied that his lecturer in ethics at Melbourne university
had used the exact same scenario.
clever conjurer can delight his or her audience with tricks that defy
explanation. Indeed some are so obviously impossible under the laws
of physics that they “must” be magic. Of course they are not
really magic at all.
scenarios are similarly so cleverly constructed that they seem to
show up commonly held moral feelings as “wrong”. Clever, yes:
but in no way helpful!
be fair to the overseas lecturer and his very prestigious university
he eventually graduated from these smoke-and-mirrors set pieces to
some real cases.
last lecture I watched involved a real case from the 1800's. The
surviving members adrift in a lifeboat killed and ate the cabin boy.
The interesting comparison to my mind was how the lecturer teased
the innate moral feelings of his students on one hand, and how the
English justice system coped with the case on the other.
students were, understandably, conflicted. Did the cabin boy give
informed consent? No? Well then it was wrong of them to kill him. But
one died and three were thus kept alive until rescued. One instead of
four, the maths are on the side of the cannibals. And so forth.
case went to court in England so there were official records one
could consult (which I did). The jury washed its hands by bringing in
a verdict that they were not competent to decide the case. Fair
enough. The case then went to be decided by the leading judges of the
land. This was interesting. They were not students having an academic
discussion. They were the best and most experienced judges in their
land, and lives hung in the balance.
lawyers on both sides argued why it should or should not the called
“murder”. The moral arguments were thus meticulously teased out.
judges decided as follows: They had every sympathy for the desperate
plight that led the men to kill and eat the cabin boy. They said
“Who in that terrible situation might not act as they had”.
Nevertheless, they said it was the duty of the court was to apply the
law: and where in a specific case there were unusual extenuating
circumstances it was the prerogative of the crown to pardon. The
actions were indeed murder and the men were convicted. A week or so
later they all received a Royal Pardon.
had a finesse and a depth of understanding that made our lecturer
pale by comparison.
draw two conclusions from this.
carefully crafted hypothetical scenarios are basically a conjuring
trick. Don't go there!
armchair (or podium) ethicists are just kidding themselves. We have a
heritage that leaves them back in the stone age. For over a thousand
years judges in the British court system have been wrestling not with
hypothetical cases, but the real thing! Their judgements have been
considered and revised by succeeding generations of judges to get
solutions that work for real people in the real world and they are
still being honed and revised. Why would one academic or even one
generation of academics ever think they can beat that?
WEEK I hope to pull these threads together!
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