Monday, 19 August 2019

Love Muslims but Fight Islam

Note: I wrote this and submitted it to my own (Melbourne) Anglican diocese's monthly newspaper, and then to Sydney Diocese. Both politely declined to use it. I understand their fear, but this fear is part of the problem! Without a strong defense of Christianity and attack on false doctrine, Christianity will be obliterated as has happened historically in other places.

Love Muslims : Fight Islam

Rev. David Greentree, August 2019

No, that is not a paradox. Muslims are people. We share a common humanity, a common citizenship in this country, and as Christians we believe that all humanity is created in the image of God, and each person someone we should love as we love ourselves, and treat as we ourselves would like to be treated. Islam, on the other hand, is a political ideology fused to a religion. There is nothing wrong with fighting a dangerous ideology or a misleading religious dogma.

Some years ago when I was building houses, I employed two Muslim carpenters. They were both very decent fellows, and good workers. One was quite devout. He attended and gave financially to his mosque, and he had a wife and baby that he was devoted to. He was a good person, and a good citizen. The other was perhaps more nominal in his religious observances, and a more typical Aussie young man, again he was a good person and a good citizen. One time when we were short handed, he asked if he could bring his best friend along. As we sat around at lunch that Saturday, I noticed that his friend was wearing a cross, so I said “How come your best friend is wearing a cross when you're a Muslim?” He replied that they were both born in Cyprus, he was Turkish and his friend Greek. They had met on their first day at kindergarten and been best friends ever since.

So whatever the “theory”, Christians and Muslims can in practice get along.

Many years before that, I had, as an 18 year old, travelled by train in Malaysia to Kuala Lumpur. On the journey I got into conversation with a Malay lad of my own age. When we got to KL, he invited me to spend the day with his family who were having a celebration for his father's departure on the Hajj to Mecca.

One thing that struck me looking around that family gathered for prayers was that I could mentally pair many of them with members of my own extended family. On the religious level, I could see likenesses from the earnest young man leading the prayers through to those with a much more relaxed attitude to it all.

In everyone, Muslim and Christian alike, our human nature modifies how the teachings of our religion work out in our daily lives. We don't have to go to far to think of examples of professed Christians who have done very evil things. Conversely, the vast bulk of Muslims are, and act as decent people despite some of the teachings of their religion.

I used to think, and perhaps you do too, that Islam and Christianity worshipped the same God; that Islam merely had a deficient understanding of God. That is not the case. To demonstrate this just ask any knowledgeable Muslim the following questions about Allah:

1) Could Allah have sat down and eaten a meal with Abraham and discussed his plans with Abraham? (Genesis 18)

2) Could Allah have descended, made his glory pass by Moses, and pronounced his divine name as YHWH? (Genesis 34.5 ff)

3) Could Allah have spoken to Moses “face to face, as one speaks to a friend”? (Exodus 33.11)

4) Could Allah come to earth, take human nature in addition to his divine nature, be the God-Man Jesus Christ, die for the sin of the world, and rise again?

5) Could Allah live on earth now inside all believers? (John 14.23, Colossians 1.27)

6) Could the rewards of paradise primarily be, not sexual gratification for men and food and wine for women, but rather, for men and women equally, the joy of of a close personal relationship with the living God? (John 14, Revelation 21)

7) Could Allah be triune rather than singular.

If I have been correctly informed, then anyone familiar with the sacred texts of Islam will respond to the effect, “No! Absolutely not!” To each and every question.

On the basis of this, Allah, and YHWH - Father, Son and Holy spirit - cannot be the same entity. So either Allah is false and YHWH is the one and only God, or the other way round. There is no middle course.

In this spiritual battle there can be no compromise. As Elijah might say today: “If YHWH Father-Son-Holy Spirit is God follow him; but if Allah, then follow him.” As the Church we have confused accepting Muslim people with having a detente with Islam. The first we should do, the second is an oxymoron.

Detente with Islam is an oxymoron for two reasons. First, as Christians we worship and serve the only true God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We can give no quarter to a false god. Also we must repudiate a teaching that wrongfully tries to appropriate the true servants of YHWH to this false god. Abraham and the Prophets worshipped and spoke in the name of YHWH. Islam appropriates them and calls them “prophets of Islam”, it even has the brazen audacity to claim Jesus Christ our Saviour, who is true God and true Human, as a mere “prophet of Islam”. This is something we should be willing to die for rather than concede!

Second, it is an oxymoron because Islam has been waging an aggressive war on Christianity for fourteen hundred years. Further according to its sacred texts, all Christians must be put to “Allah, slavery, or the sword”, and all idolaters beheaded, until the whole world acclaims “there is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his prophet”. There is no quarter offered by Islam, and so no detente is possible. Indeed holding out the prospect of detente is only a trick of psychological warfare. If you doubt this, google the constitution of Iran. You can read for yourself in the preamble under the heading “An Ideological Army”, the stated aim of using their armed forces to bring the whole world under Islamic law. You may recall ISIS voiced a similar desire.

Saudi Arabia is spending huge sums exporting worldwide the Wahhabi doctrine that the Salafi, the first three generations of leaders, were the true face of Islam.

What did Islam do under those first generations of leaders? They launched unprovoked war against their Christian neighbours. They slaughtered, raped and pillaged their way until they had conquered half the then Christian lands. They brutally subdued virtually every Christian country South of the Mediterranean, plus Spain. They forced entire populations to convert to Islam or be reduced to serf status, they took the most beautiful women for sale as sex slaves, and the boys to turn into soldiers.

Islam's armies got to within 250Km of Paris before they were stopped by the Frankish king Charles Martel at the battle of Tours in 721.

Later generations of Caliphs also attacked Christianity. In 1453 Islamic armies sacked Constantinople itself, and went on to the Balkans region. They got to the very gates of Vienna. The second siege of Vienna was broken by a Christian confederation in 1688.

Islamic navies controlled the Mediterranean, and sent raiding parties to the coastal areas of England. The “Barbary Pirates” were actually an aggressive Islamic empire which extorted tribute from countries as far away as America. Battles to free the Mediterranean for international trade were fought by the U.S., and Sweden 1801 to 1805, and by the U.S., Finland, and Britain in 1815, and finally by France in 1830.

The First World War saw the end of the Caliphate, but during that period, Islamic forces killed some 1.5 Million Christians in the Armenian Genocide, then turned on Greek and Assyrian Christians killing another one million civilians.

It is noteworthy that the Christian victors in WWI did not try to entice let alone force Muslim populations in the former Ottoman Empire to convert to Christianity.

We are enjoying a relative peace from attack, only because of the deterrent effect of Western military might, and the vigilance of our police and security forces. But even today, lands that lack such powerful armed protection, are being harried by armed and violent Islamic rebels. Boko Haram, North Sudanese insurgents, Islamic State West Africa Province, and other armed bands are killing, enslaving and displacing many thousands of peaceful Christians each year.

So do not believe “Islam is a religion of peace”. That is a barefaced lie. Islam is a dogma of war. War on unbelievers until all the world is under the rule of Islam. We are only spared a war of bombs and bullets in the West because of our military might. For now we are just facing a war of words. Wake up Christians, fight back with argument and persuasion while it is still only a war of words!

Jesus is the Truth. We must fight Islam with this truth and with prayer.

Remember that in Islam, truth telling is only required among fellow believers. To tell lies to unbelievers in the furtherance of Islam, to speak peace when you mean war, is all counted as doing a service for Allah. (An example is the doctrine of Taqiyya). So do not believe Islam's smiling apologists. Do not be deceived by an invitation to “interfaith dialogue”. These are ruses to turn you and other well meaning Christians into what the Communists used to call “useful idiots”, now those unwittingly furthering the cause of Islam.

Muslims we love, but Islam is the enemy of God and all that is good. We must fight it to the death.

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