into a corner.
more specifically I have painted myself
into a corner!
have deliberately up till now not engaged with the relevant current
events – the most alarming of which are: Europe at the behest of
the German Chancellor and like minded people has welcomed a huge
number of Islamic “refugees” - overwhelmingly young men of
military age. France has suffered an orchestrated Islamic terrorist
attack. German police, politicians and media tried to cover up over
1,300 attacks by large groups of “refugee” men during the new
year's eve celebrations (About half these were sexual assaults on
my silence was because there was no lack of commentary – at least
outside Europe – in the media. Partly it was because I wanted to
establish some Biblical principles through which to view these events
and their probable causes and significance. But for the West, with Europe
in the lead, rejecting God and his ways as foolishness
may be a plausible cause – in which case God handing us over to the
consequences of our foolishness may be the real
Biblical model for individuals and nations receiving deliverance from
God is always “repent, throw away your idols
and turn back to God”. What varies is the particular sins
that have the person or society entranced, and what idols they have
put in God's rightful place in their lives.
somewhere we need to look at how our national lives measure up.
Somehow we need to identify the sin of our age. And we may need to
trace how we got into this mess for these things to become apparent.
you are like me (and the other Christians I know) when the Holy
Spirit convicts you of the next sin on God's list for you (from
Romans 7 not even Paul after 20 years as an apostle had got through
his life's punch list!) you know exactly what you have
to repent of! On the other hand just vague, woolly guilt feelings
(even if they are almost overwhelming) are not from the
Holy Spirit.
you see how I am cornered! There is no lack of people eager to preach
what they think is the sin of our nations! About the
last thing I want to do is add another human voice proclaiming more such
things that are just of human origin. The Old Testament is full of
denunciations of the swarms of false prophets in those days who
encouraged the wicked and disheartened the righteous!
simple examples of voices I think are wrong would be:
a) the classic progressives who are fiercely pro-abortion – and at least 95% of abortions exactly fit the Biblical definition of murder, but at the same time passionately anti-capital punishment, which the Bible gives at least an “in principle” mandate for (how this mandate should be applied is another matter)
b) anti-nationalism to the extent that, for example, some Americans are saying they are so ashamed of their nation's conduct past and present that they think God should destroy America! Dinesh D'Souza in his book and film “America, Imagine a World Without Her” gives a very powerful rebuttal of this doctrine.
a) the classic progressives who are fiercely pro-abortion – and at least 95% of abortions exactly fit the Biblical definition of murder, but at the same time passionately anti-capital punishment, which the Bible gives at least an “in principle” mandate for (how this mandate should be applied is another matter)
b) anti-nationalism to the extent that, for example, some Americans are saying they are so ashamed of their nation's conduct past and present that they think God should destroy America! Dinesh D'Souza in his book and film “America, Imagine a World Without Her” gives a very powerful rebuttal of this doctrine.
all this means a lot more work is required comparing the various
claimants against the Biblical model before we can get beyond the
proverbial shouting match “You say – I say”.
brings me to the crunch: I need to go and do some more research
before I write any more!
…. I will not be writing any more blogs for about eight weeks …
come back for my next blog: First
Weekend in APRIL