I start by wishing you all the joy and peace which is in Christ Jesus
this Christmas
was sad and angry when I read the Christmas messages of church
leaders in the newspapers this Christmas.
the year in my home state of Victoria (Australia) the anti-Christian
lobby has felt strong enough to come out of the woodwork. Two
examples churches could not fail to notice were these:
Christian education in schools. The State schools had allowed half an
hour per week for children whose parents did not object to receive
Christian Education on a government approved syllabus using volunteer
teachers from the various churches. During my ministry the content of
this syllabus has been progressively watered down for fear of
offending anyone or appearing to proselytize. eventually it had been
so emptied of any Christian content that it had become just a social
studies course dressed up in a few Bible verses, teaching the secular
sentiments of the day.
the end of 2015 even that was banned from state schools by the
as Christmas neared, the government issued a decree that from next
year the singing of Christmas carols, and indeed any songs which
mentioned God would be banned from State Schools. There would of
course be no nativity plays or nativity scenes in classrooms.
Freddy” as the saying goes, should have concluded that there was a
powerful lobby strongly opposed the Christianity, who wanted the
message of Christ swept from the national consciousness.
came the newspaper clips of the church leaders' Christmas messages.
All on the theme “make room in the inn of your hearts for
strangers” - especially Syrian refugees.
leaders might have though they were being topical – they were
actually a couple of centuries in the past. A past where the whole
nation was at least nominally Christian, a past where they were maybe
the official religion of the land, a past where the Gospel was (in
theory if not in practice!) so well known that it could be taken for
granted and a homily about attitudes was acceptable.
people, called to be shepherds and watchmen, had failed to see the
change that had crept up on Christian nations over the past few
centuries. They have been sleeping on watch!
message they should have been giving to a nation well on the way to
forgetting about God was this: “Christmas: celebrating the saving
love and power of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit: God the Son
enters the world he created as one of us, as a human baby. His
purpose to be the greatest revelation of who God is: to show God's
love, and to be God's love in dying for our sins, to show and be the
power of God in rising from the dead, breaking the power of sin and