: where do Morals come from Pt.
where do morals come from? Seriously.
if you have studied a bit (or a lot) of philosophy you might start
talking about great moral theorists, Kant, Locke, Bentham, Mill, etc.
Yes I've read them too, but there were morals long before any of them
came on the scene trying to create a theoretical platform for them.
So I want something better than the tired old 'well there's
utilitarians, absolutists and so forth' explanation.
all Locke managed from his theory to 'prove' that slavery in America
was morally tight. Most of us today would feel that casts a bit of a
pall over his theory!
utilitarianism of Bentham and Mill as worked out in the modern
'cost-benefit analysis' gives some unpalatable results. If 'the
greatest good for the greatest number' is your rule you have to put a
price of human suffering and human life. A cost benefit analysis may
(and historically has) let manufacturers conclude that a certain
number of people dying as a result of a defect in their product is
preferable to incurring the cost of rectifying the problem. However
this tends to apall most but the most devout adherents of
is famous for his description of life without society as “solitary,
poor, nasty, brutish and short”. His theory is that morals are so
against human nature and self interest that they must be imposed by
some authority – to the great benefit of all.
the two earlier posts I talked about the human aptitude for learning
complex social responses – both as manners and as morals. Is that
all morals are? Are they a social construct a sort of accident of
society, or imposed at the whim of 'the powers that be'? Possible,
but people do act as though 'right' and 'wrong' were more than that.
The Nazi commanders had no compunction running the gas chambers, but
they did record the victims as dying of 'heart failure' in their
records, and did at for instance Sobibol, try to obliterate all
evidence of what they had done. In short they acted as though there
was a 'wrong' that stood above their Nazi creed and culture, and even
above the Fuhrer.
in the fourth century B.C. Had some clear ideas of 'right' and
'wrong'. Most still resonate with us today, some we would reject.
Certainly I for one hope we would reject his view that a woman's soul
was part way between a child's and a slave's! Plato is also
interesting for his rejection of the idea that morals cam from the
gods with his famous: “ do the gods command it because it is right
or is it right because the gods command it.” Another philosopher
of about that time looking at the Greek pantheon of gods remarked
that most of what the gods were reputed to do was considered shameful
behaviour in human terms.
could write (maybe 8th century BC) aboyut life, love and
war in the 11th century BC and we today find his moral
viewpoint at least intelligible. So there is something here that
spans the ages.
I am a devout Christian and I do think Plato's dilemma has a way
through the middle and I do think there is an answer to the whole
question. But that must wait for later.
point I want to get to today is this: we in the English speaking
world do have views on morals, do consider them important and do try
to impose our views on others. That is why I pose the question “where
do our morals come from?”. Or to come at it another way: we do say
'this is good behaviour' or 'that is bad behaviour' how can we
justify making this judgement?
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