Friday 1 May 2015

My Adventures with God Ch 43: God's Love for Hos People Even When threy Rebel.

Ch 43 God's Love for His People Even When They Rebel.

I did not find out for some years that God had already warned the people of St Luke's Vermont. I had to work out slowly and carefully for myself what was ailing this church. But I will let readers in on the secret now. Two years before I came to the parish there had been a prophecy read aloud at all the Sunday services with the endorsement of the vicar and the leading people of the church.

Readers might, for good reason, be sceptical about so called prophesies. However this church had a very strong “charismatic” flavour so was open yet discerning about this. The man in the congregation who believed he had received the prophecy submitted it to the vicar and his advisors to pray about and decide whether they thought it was from God or not. After deliberation they decided it was and the man was asked to read it out to the church.

The message, which I will reproduce in full below, caused much agonising in the church, but no change of heart.


I will bless you no longer; I have turned my face from you. My ears are deaf to your cries because you no longer trust Me. I have shut My eyes to all your stubbornness and pride as though I did not see and have shown you My ways in visions, through words, through healings, through teaching: but no longer. Every child has to become an adult but you want to always play and not accept My responsibilities. I have called you but you have exalted yourselves as controllers and shapers. Woe to you who sit in council as though you were judges, who seek to judge My ways by your human standards for you have exchanged a trust in Me for usurpation of my place; you have unwittingly set yourself up as gods. Who are you to judge My ways or control My plans? Show me you credentials which give you these rights. Woe to you who frustrate My plans because of money, show me my unfaithfulness in provision for your needs and I will listen to you. And woe to you who seek to find fault and govern My leaders, My appointed ones; am I not able to guide them on My own by the most minor exertion, the blink of an eye? But you have blocked their paths, you have hemmed them in, you have sought to put them in cages of your making and have them dance to your tunes like bears or dogs. Do you not trust Me to instruct the shepherds in My ways so that My sheep may be tended properly? Instead you forced them to walk I paths which they did not want to tread, you have weighed their words and wisdom on scales using your own weights without regard to my values. Woe to you for you will be blown away as debris before the wind and My house will be cleared.

Woe to you who slash and tear with jagged words, who slander without thought or care, who cannot control your mouths. You destroyers! Do you think that I do not hear every word and know every thought? Your mouths spout venom and as a viper is trodden on and thrown out, so will you be. I will no longer tolerate you before My eyes. Woe to you who like the best seats, the best clothes, the mantle of authority and who seek worldly status; for you will be counted amongst the least of My flock and will be rejected because your hearts are closed to me.

Therefore do not be surprised when you fall, when you wither away as a flower in the desert; for I have turned my face from you. Your good deeds are as nothing before me. Your prayers are as hot air in the wind. You will not open your hearts to me and assume adult status. I will be rejected no more, you have become offensive before me and have led My flock astray. No more do I wrap up my words in comfort but these things are now known to you, spoken plainly and laid before you. You no longer have any excuse before Me, I have been clear. Test My words amongst yourselves and see if they are not true in every respect. Read your hearts and see My truths.

Think of a little child who can hardly walk and of the total trust in the parent holding its hand; that is how you should be to Me. What father leads his child into a pit or throws it into a raging river? Why then should I not be many times more caring and loving to my children? Yet all the time you question, check and restrict My leading hand.

I tell you now, repent of your ways; seek only my face, build one another up in true love without malice or restraint. Let those in authority work in their authority and do not cross-check their works for they are responsible to me. Open your hearts to Me, put your hands into Mine, put away pride and position, power and control; for these are not of Me. Do not open your mouths except in love. Rather seek to be the humblest servants so that you may again enjoy My love and Blessing.

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