Tuesday 24 September 2013

1 Timothy 2 : Sept/22/2013

1 Timothy 2. Women in authority over men, flaunting one's wealth at church and God wanting everyone to be saved made this sermon quite exciting to prepare. I think I have produced a counter proof to the view that the prohibition on women teaching and having authority is a blanket rule for all time on earth.

Having been trained at Moore Theological college in Sydney, I have heard the 'proof text' 1 Timothy 2:11-15 expounded by theologians who did believe it was a blanket rule for all time in this creation. The lynch-pin of their argument was that Paul did not merely give a command, but drew it from the creation narrative in Genesis, which made it universal in its application. I think I have managed to prove that this thesis cannot be correct. That then leaves the field open for the other main position held by scholars who take the Bible as authoritative, namely that Paul was addressing a particular problem in the church in Ephesus, so the command is not universal.

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