Male privilege.
is another area in which people's minds are being messed with: the
attempt is to make them ashamed – or rather to shame them in regard
to things over which they have no control.
(white) nurses in Australia were told by their (left wing) union that
they should apologise for their “white privilege” before treating
aboriginal patients.
for “white, male, heterosexual” well that is “privilege”
cubed! And if one's parents have worked hard and become well-to-do
that probably makes things worse still.
those of us old enough to remember the Cultural Revolution in China,
and the news snippets and pictures that leaked out of people being
shamed in “speaking bitterness” sessions and paraded with signs
round their necks proclaiming in what way they failed the Communist
ideal, this new campaign re-awakens those memories. Yes this is
another thing out of the Marxist play-book! Yes this is another
social engineering plot to pave the way to turn our liberal
democracies into illiberal collectivist states.
we value freedom; if we value justice; if we value the truth; we must
fight back.
may object “but surely privilege is not just” My answer
is: “In itself it is neither just nor unjust, it merely
is the things which are in themselves unjust which we must fight, not
me illustrate: In Australia being born into a remote Aboriginal
community statistically goes hand in hand with much worse child
abuse, health, employment, and lifespan, than in the rest of the
population. But not just “white” population. The mainstream
population includes immigrants from India, China, Africa, Malaysia,
Indonesia and many other places, and even Aboriginals who blended
into modern culture. It is a cultural
phenomenon. If one chooses to try to maintain a 40,000 year
old tradition in the face of modernity then “meaning of life”
problems are going to tear you apart. If you live in a close and
closed community where sexual child abuse has been the norm, how do
you change that behaviour. If your role was hunter-gatherer near
starvation because of lack of natural resources and you now get
welfare cheques and alcohol is available, how can you avoid lethargy,
lack of purpose and rampant alcohol and substance abuse?
is not that “whites” have some privilege aboriginals are denied.
Indeed refugees have come to Australia with nothing and made good. It
is perhaps the perennial “do-gooders” selling them
the “victim-hood” lie. It is certainly lifestyle choice. It is
clinging to “land” and “culture” when the world has changed.
Reality, not lack of privilege is their enemy.
course in the 1950's to be “black” in the Southern United States
definitely involved lack of equality before the Law,
and lack of opportunity in many other areas. These were injustices.
The whole “civil rights” campaign aimed at rectifying this.
is what I meant when I said that it was the things that were
themselves unjust which had to be tackled, not mere “privilege.
Equality before the law is absolutely fundamental. Voting rights,
access to education, employment and so forth.
to put that all in perspective. Life is not
fair. We just are born with varying levels of privilege.
the white male heterosexual. How about the really big ones: born in
the 20th or 21st century. Born in a first world
country. Born in a democracy.
about living before modern medicine. No immunisation – so you
probably died in childhood. No antibiotics, no surgery – so even if
you survived childhood you still died young. For women , one-in-ten
died in childbirth.
about living before modern agriculture – always on the brink of
starvation. Think about living before modern engineering – muscle
and perhaps horse power was it. No “living electrically” maybe
you couldn't even afford candles for night time. No central heating!
Maybe no piped (or clean) water.
this is just in good countries. Serfdom or tyranny just added to ones
today think about third world countries. No, its not idyllic! Living
in squalor, children dying of gastroenteritis, malaria, or one of the
countless other unchecked diseases. Starvation. Overwork and child
labour. Cruel rapacious leaders – think of the Somali warlords.
Daily threat of gruesome death or abduction of children – think
Sudan and parts of Nigeria.
you want to talk about privilege: being born here and now is it!
we had no choice in it. It was a “just is” of life. We have no
attached guilt about things over which we had no control. …. BUT
said “to whom much is given, much is
expected, and to whom much more is given much more is expected.”
we do with all the privilege and opportunities life bestows on us is
something for which one day we will all be judged.