Sunday, 14 January 2018

Two PLus Two Equals Five

2+2 = 5 If The Party Says So

So said a character in Orwell's “Nineteen Eighty Four”.

Not so silly now as it sounded 70 years ago. OK we really do have the “impossible” futuristic technology he put in his novel, but that's not the important part – tyrannies have never lacked for spies and informers! What is important is the government messing with our minds until we will say anything we're told to believe, even when we know its not true. Like agreeing 2+2 = 5.

Once a regime has that sort of control over us we are really loosing our humanity and becoming their robots.

This is happening to us in the “free West” right now!

OK looking back I guess it has been worming its way in for at least 50 years. But at first it was so gradual that we didn't notice at all. Think about it. Our society accepted that “free love” which is to say gratuitous sex, was risk free; that abortion was nothing; that adultery didn't matter; and so forth. Well, I didn't believe that, and likely yo didn’t either, but that makes us the odd ones out! Then came AIDS. What a flurry of propaganda to make us believe it was not a consequence of gay sex! This is likely where the propaganda first pushed us over the line into saying something we knew was not true.

And churches were part of the propaganda machine! I once put in my parish newsletter a precis of an article in a Medical Journal that just gave the scientific findings. The epidemiology was clearly that anal sex was the basic transmission route for AIDS in the First World. The heterosexual infection rate in Africa which was so often used in propaganda was in fact due to factors peculiar to Africa (high promiscuity and poor health care combining to give genital sores which provided a direct blood-to-blood transmission route in vaginal sex) Did I ever cop it from the bishop! They hadn't invented the word “homophobic” then but that was what he accused me of, and told me to stop saying bigoted things like that. Science had to be silenced.

As it happens I wasn't and still am not homophobic. We are all sinners and we all have idiosyncratic weaknesses that we struggle against. The weight society or church puts one one sin against another is often counter-intuitive. There's an old joke: “If a man comes to you church drunk on alcohol, you throw him out, but if he's drunk on money you make him an elder.”

Back to the story: As you know Christians were told they had to say homosexual acts were not a sin. Many complied. Well that was saying 2+2 = 5. Sure, if I had to list sins by their harmfulness, homosexual acts would be way down the list. Sure, being same-sex attracted is not a sin. Just as being attracted to a person of the opposite sex outside of marriage is not itself a sin. It is the specific act (like adultery) that is the sin.

Then came same sex marriage: “Marriage Equality”. Now for those “without Christ and without hope in the world” who am I to judge them if they manage to find happiness in a same sex relationship? Good luck to them. But when the government demands that I say that same sex marriage is equal to marriage between a man and a woman we are in “2+2 = 5 if the Party says so” territory.

Well in Australia just before Christmas that happened (by a 60% popular vote), and in some 20 other countries it had already been legislated.

Did it stop there? Not likely! The process has just speeded up. As I said last post “gender fluidity” is being taught in schools, parents are prohibited from protecting their children from this this terribly harmful outright lie. Today I read in the newspaper that one state wants to legislate to make it a crime not to (for example) call a man who “self identifies” as female “he” instead of his preferred “she”.

Here it is now coming right out in the open! We are being told to speak the lie. We are being told to say “2+2 = 5” or be treated as criminals!

Now this has nothing to do with LBGTI “rights”. Don't be fooled into following that red herring! This is about radicals messing with our minds. Quite likely once they have established their new upotia-on-earth, LGBT's will be ruthlessly eliminated. But first Christianity has to be eliminated, and they are prepared to take their time laying the groundwork. Jesus said “I am the Truth ...” The Bible makes its claims on human hearts because it is true.

Once people say “there is no truth except what the government tell us” Christianity, Liberty, and Science are all swept away.

This brave new “utopia” will just be another North Korea look-alike