The Triumph of the Homosexual
again I need to preface my comments by “Don't get me wrong”
Though freedom of both speech and thought has been so curtailed in
this area as in several others that I will still be branded a
political heretic.
Nevertheless I will say it: Don't get me wrong; I
am not judging nor censuring those few who actually practice
homosexuality, any more than I do adulterers, gossips &
slanderers, drunkards, or the avaricious or power-hungry – just to
name a few. We are all sinners. I had in one parish a young men's
group of new believers who were able to support each other precisely
because they were dealing with different life-controlling behaviours
– a homosexual, a promiscuous heterosexual, a drug user, a thief …
there is, here and in most Western countries, a powerful homosexual
I first
noticed it when the AIDS epidemic became a constant news item. I had
folk in my congregation which at that stage had an average age of 60
or so years, afraid that they would catch AIDS. So I read through my
wife's medical journals and found that in first world countries,
transmission was basically by anal sex. (sharing needles was there
but comparatively rare. In Africa AIDS was also transmitted by
vaginal sex because, as the journals explained, much higher rates of
promiscuity, and poor medical treatment led to a large proportion of
sexually active African women suffering from sexually transmitted
diseases which produced open sores – so that there was
semen-to-blood contact – a perfect transmission rout for AIDS. This
was rarely the situation in first world countries. Sorry about the
gory details; but deceptive and unremitting propaganda by the
homosexual lobby hid these and other facts from us.)
So in my
little parish newsletter I told some of these facts. I copped a
furious response from the Bishop for my intolerance, bigotry and lack
of Christian compassion towards homosexuals!
brilliant tactics by which a lobby group managed to convince an
entire population that the problem of a tiny minority, caused by
their own chosen behaviour pattern (epidemic needed male homosexual
activity and promiscuity) was everyone's problem! It
was a conjuring feat par excellence!
there was the “Gay Pride” movement with its marches through the
streets. Marches that attracted official support, marches that seemed
to be well attended by heterosexual families as well.
was the “inclusiveness” dogma. Particularly in churches it became
an article of faith that certain sorts of people must be “included”
if one was to be truly “Christian”. So self-advertised
homosexuals had to be welcomed. (I didn't actually have any problem
with doing this part – after all I welcomed my
“Ladies' Guild” members and most of them were unrepentant gossips
and slanderers! Also most of the actual homosexuals I have dealt with
were pretty decent human beings.)
of one special category of people as an essential article of faith
whilst happily excluding other categories of people is just plain
unjust, and the slippery slope to heresy.
It is
just a matter of history that this is precisely what has happened. We
have had Anglican Bishops who were not merely unrepentant, but proud
of the fact that they were engaging in homosexual acts. In Australia
we had a public case where a Bishop accosted a young policeman in a
public toiled and solicited sex! The policeman wanted the bishop
charged with assault, but the case was quashed by his superiors
because of the high profile of his assailant. The Bishop excused
himself saying he “had a complex sexuality” and went on to
greater things.
that! If that had been a heterosexual case the Bishop would
have been out on his ear! Suddenly homosexuality has become a
protected activity!
Can I
pause here and make two important points:
1. It is
the sex acts, not the orientation towards homosexuality that the
Bible lists as a sin.
2. We
are all sinners. But in the Christian church the idea is to be
fighting the particular sins that haunt us. Priests, and above all
bishops should exhibit progress towards godliness in their lives.
“Equality” Don't you just
love the clever “newspeak”. Equality is Good, therefore by
inference anyone opposing marriage equality
is bad!
just 2,000 years of Christianity. But
another couple of millennia
of Hebrew culture and worship from which Christianity and modern
Judaism sprang. And indeed the entire recorded history of every known
culture is suddenly swept aside! It is a breathtaking occurrence!
What was once banned
has now not just become normal but sacrosanct.
Tasmania the Roman Catholic Bishop issued a pastoral letter – just
to congregants - outlining the historic Church and Biblical teaching
on marriage. That is still (for the moment!) the law of the land: it
is not lawful for two people of the same sex to marry. That Bishop is
now having to defend himself in court after an “equal opportunity”
tribunal found he had a case to answer for teaching against same sex
marriage! Unbelievable? Yes, but true none the less.
is a social institution. Change it and you change society. How
society will change is unknowable, but on the law of unintended
consequences it will likely be bad. We
have had quite a few examples of this in Australia in the world of
nature. For instance: Early settlers though introducing rabbits would
be a good idea – but the rabbits bred here to plague proportions
and every measure to contain them has eventually failed.
Children: of course it is not
called that, but school programs are being funded and enforced by
governments to make children of a tender age think in explicitly
sexual terms, to think gender is a matter of choice not biology, and
enlisting them to homosexual practices!
my state the government – ater banning Christmas carols and
religious education in schools has introduced such a syllabus. It is
called by the Orwellian name of “Safe Schools”, ans its excuse is
that homosexuals are being bullied at schools so such an awareness
program right throughout the school life is necessary. This is
patently a lie. This generation of school children have grown up with
the political correctness that discriminates for not against
is a big bad lie because bullying is indeed a problem at schools –
but the choice of victims has little do do with their sexual
orientation (if they are even old enough to know there is such a
thing!)victims are mostly heterosexual). It is bullying however and
to whomever it occurs that does need confronting – but this program
is not interested in that.
is simply a flimsy excuse for tearing down the traditional mores –
regardless of the hurt it causes individuals. I was about to say “or
the harm it causes to the social fabric” but that is of course
precisely the aim. One of the formulators of the program admitted to
being a Marxist and that the program was part of the Marxist agenda
of destroying our society and replacing it with the Communist utopia.
Perhaps the 34 or so million who starved in Mao's Communist utopia
would should, if they could, from their graves not to go there!