Friday, 25 September 2015

Saving the West 3: False Argument 1

3: False Argument 1: “God can't exist because there is suffering”

Have you heard this one? The general logical structure of the argument is:

1) God is “all good” and “all powerful”
2) We see lots of suffering in the world
3) God does not exist.

The fatal flaw, if we treat this as a logical argument, is that line 1) is a false statement of God's character in relation to line 2) So the conclusion line 3) is false.

Of course as a piece of lying propaganda it is quite effective. But let's rise above propaganda and look for truth.

To say God is “all powerful” without qualification, particularly applied to the state of this world is false.

1. There are things God cannot do. Obviously not the logically contradictory like making a square triangle, but I mean even things even we humans can and frequently do do.

God says he can never tell a lie. God says he can never break a promise. So God's power is inseparable from his perfect moral character. Which is why the “absolute power corrupts absolutely” saying which is so true of humans is not true of God – his moral character is incorruptible!

However within the limits of logical possibility and God's own character, he is never prevented from doing anything he chooses to do by lack of power.

2. God's power in relation to observed suffering in the world.

Split suffering into two types: Man made; and Natural.

Man made suffering is the result of human decisions. Some are decisions to do evil things, some are bad decisions based on incomplete information about the universe, some are negligent or just plain careless decisions.

How would you have God exert his power to eliminate all these? The only logical way would be to remove human freedom of choice: to make us robots rather than free spirits.

This God will not do. He will not take away our basic freedom.

He made us as moral beings: we must take responsibility for our own moral choices, even though some of those choices will cause suffering.

He gave us creativity: we get to invent, dream, plan, even though this involves us making choices and some of these choices will cause suffering. Human authors can choose to write a book like “Uncle Tom's Cabin” that helps abolish slavery, or one like “Mien Kampf” which helps cause the deaths of millions of people.

Lastly, but perhaps most profoundly, God created us humans to enjoy a friendship with him as free beings. We get to chose whether to love him or to reject his friendship. That is a sine qua non of friendship between free beings.

For very good reasons God will not make us robots or mindless slaves, or even make us give him the pre-programmed love exhibited by our pet dog. He wants humans who love him freely.

Natural suffering is a bit more problematic. Personally I have no difficulty accepting the current scientific explanation of how the universe, this planet, and life on earth developed. The question science can never answer is why. The real “why” is because God said: “Let there be ...”.

Modern scientific theory looks for the “how” but can only see the effects after God had set the ball rolling so to speak. That scientists find compelling evidence that things developed over many millions of years does not cause me any problem.

I would think it quite consistent with what we know of God that he might start with the scientists' postulated “big Bang” then let things develop over billions of years according to the processes that we call natural laws, which he had built in to the system. I realise that many devout Christians believe otherwise, but since I am making this argument, I will do it for the scenario I believe most likely.

On my view, that science is probably right about how the planet evolved into a habitable biosphere, we see that God set up the system pretty effectively. It works.

So you don't like earthquakes and tsunami's. True, but are they not unavoidable consequences of the earth's basic geology? Of course when we do unwise things like building cities over geological fault lines part of the suffering is due to human choices again.

So we don't like droughts and floods. That's being a bit picky isn't it? We have a natural system that keeps large areas of the earth supplied with life giving water, the variations are part and parcel of that system. Then again, the floods that we find destroy things we have made, were for ages the very mechanism that kept valley soils in places like the Nile fertile and so allowed human civilisation to develop. So the same events can be good or bad for humans depending on what we are trying to do. Again at least some part of the problem comes back to unwise human choices that ignore the fact of drought and flood.

For instance one Australian pastoralist in (I think) the late 1800's noted that after a run of good years there was always a drought. So he limited his stocking levels to what the land could carry in a drought. So while his neighbours who stocked for the good years had cattle die in the inevitable drought his all survived.

You see my point: God set up a universe that in time developed a habitable biosphere on Earth. The human race has certainly survived and developed in it. Lots of humans (as well as animals) live in it. I'd call that a success!

Evolution seems to have been a stunning success. It is rough on the individual though. It does involve a lot of suffering. Being eaten by the next predator up the food chain is not very nice. But as a means of keeping the system in balance, and as part of facilitating “the survival of the fittest” it works.

Evolution, survival of the fittest, and self balancing systems dependant on a 'food chain of animals preying on and eating other animals evidently work. So you don't like the suffering inherent in this system. Have you got a better idea? Actually God has, its called heaven! But for now let's stick to this world. Can you justly criticise God if he used this system to bring about life as we know it on earth?

Before you say “Yes we can!” consider this: the motor car. Most of us have one, they are very utile, they also increase the amount of suffering in the world.

Just think of the huge numbers of people who are killed or injured around the world in motor vehicle accidents. But we keep driving. Obviously, even if we don't say it out aloud, we think somehow the benefit outweighs the suffering. Well, maybe God wanted a planet with plant and animal systems that ran themselves without him micro-managing them, and this was the best way to do it despite the fact that it caused suffering.

In Genesis he says this world is suited to its purpose and in that respect pronounces is “good”. But Genesis also describes in detail what flowed from the first human disobedience of God's commands. God would not micro-manage the natural order to make it function perfectly.

As a result of Humans disobeying God, nature had to limp along with self regulating and self balancing systems. So the cruelty of the food chain. So drought and flood, so earthquake and wild-fire. We cannot honestly “blame” God for not micro managing nature for our benefit when as humans we rejected him and his plans and chose to try to play the role of gods ourselves.

Of course this universe is not God's last word.

One purpose of the world, which it achieves despite our rejection of God's management of it, is this:
Producing people who choose to love God: people he will have live with him forever in heaven.

That might indeed be its main purpose. It certainly achieves that effectively regardless of the suffering caused by human choices or disease or natural disasters. The Bible, ever since the first human rebellion against God, has described this world as broken. God has promised the people who choose him that he plans for them to enjoy one “where there is no more crying or death or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

One day this planet will be destroyed. Those who have chosen to love God will get to inhabit a world which is managed to prevent suffering. Heaven, God's new creation is the real expression of his goodness and power.

NEXT WEEK : False Argument 2: God cannot exist because there is evil in the world.

Friday, 18 September 2015

Saving the West. 2: Calling all Progressives

2: Calling All Progressives

I have some shocking news for you, you have been sold a counterfeit!

there is a way that seems right to humans, but its end is the way to death” (Proverbs 14; 12)

You were probably attracted by Progressive ideas because wanted the best – to end injustice, poverty, oppression, hatred, domestic violence. You wanted to save the world! You signed up with what looked like the best bet for doing this. But progressive socialism, for all that it identified real things that were wrong with the world, for all its promises, for all the vision of a utopia on earth that it painted, is fatally flawed. It can never deliver on those promises. It will, like a bowling ball aimed at a mark look for most of its run as though it is going straight for it, then at the last veer off to one side and miss it completely.

For the bowling ball it is because it has an inbuilt bias. For progressivism it is because it leaves human nature out of the equation. Its Achilles' heel is that human nature has an inbuilt bias too.

For those who are thinking: “Surely you just described 'the Church'!” you are quite right. In fact it proves my point that human nature can sour the best of things and best of intentions. The Church has exhibited everything from the best of humanity to something close to the worst. No argument about that! The two main reasons Christianity succeeds where every other system ultimately fails are these:

1. God knows all about the problem of human nature: so his plans to save the world take this into full account

2. God invites humans into a new relationship with himself through his son Jesus, who is both God and human. Only a few take up this invitation, though many pretend to. Those who do take it up find that God works with them to slowly heal the flaws in their human nature, so they are able to be part of God's work of saving the world to a degree that still seriously flawed humans cannot.

So if you really want to save the world, your first step in the right direction is to begin a friendship with God through Jesus Christ.

Of course you will need some more information about him to decide to do that, so lets begin:

Do you yearn for the sort of better world that God yearns for?

Do you hate domestic violence? So does God.
“The man who hates and divorces his wife” says the Lord, the God of Israel, “does violence to the one he should protect”. Malachi 2: 16

Do you hate economic systems that make the rich richer and the poor poorer! So does God.
Hear this you who trample the needy … skimping the measure, boosting the price and cheating with dishonest scales, … selling even the sweepings with the wheat. The Lord has sworn by himself, the Pride of Jacob: “I will never forget anything they have done”.” Amos 8

Do you hate all forms of injustice? So does God.
I the Lord lave justice; I hate robbery and wrongdoing” Isaiah 61: 8

Do you hate oppression? So does God.
“This is what the Sovereign Lord says: 'You have gone far enough, princes of Israel! Give up your violence and oppression and do what is just and right.” Ezekiel 45:9

Do you long for world peace? God intends this in his heaven.
He will judge between the nations and will settle disputes for many peoples. They will beat their swords into ploughshares and their spears into pruning hooks. Nation will not take up sword against nation, nor will they train for war any more.” Isaiah 2:4

Do you long for harmony with nature? God intends this in his heaven.
the wolf and the lamb will feed together, and the lion will eat straw like the ox … They will neither harm nor destroy on all my holy mountain” says the Lord. Isaiah 65: 25

Would you like a world without pain? God intends this for his heaven.
“He will wipe away every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away” Revelation 21: 4

On the other hand, do you wrongly accuse God for the problems of the world? Jesus perfectly represented God, look at what he actually did.

Do you still blame God for disease in the world? Jesus healed everyone who came to him.
“Jesus went through all the towns and villages … healing every disease and sickness.”
Matthew 9: 24

Do you blame God as though he does not care about the suffering sicknesses cause? Look at just one episode in Jesus life:
“Jesus went to a town called Nain … As he approached the town gate a dead person was being carried out – the only son of his mother, and she was a widow… When the Lord saw her, his heart went out to her and he said “Don't cry” Then he went up and … said “Young man, I say to you, get up!” The dead man sat up and began to talk, and Jesus gave him back to his mother.” Luke 7: 11 on

Do you blame God for bad deeds done by 'the Church'. Jesus had trouble with the church of his day!
“Jesus called out in a loud voice 'Lazarus come out!' The dead man came out … Therefore many believed in him … but some went to the Pharisees and told them what Jesus had done. Then the chief priests and the Pharisees called a meeting … (they said) “If we let him go on like this everyone will believe in him” … So from then on they plotted to take his life.” John 11

I could go on, but I think this very brief thumb-sketch may be enough to have you saying something like: “That must be some different God to the one I know about!”

Precisely! The god you “don't believe in” does not exist. It is just a human construct, an imaginary caricature. Rather like the Unicorn!

You were right to refuse to believe in that god. But there is a God who really does exist, the one I've just sketched a few characteristics of.

Curious? Like to know the truth about God? Read on as we do a quick jog through the Bible picking up more clues. Before that however I want to lay to rest a couple of false arguments that seem to often get re-told and never refuted.

NEXT WEEK: False Argument 1: God can't exist because there is suffering.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Saving the West 1: Jesus

I visited Turkey a few years back.

We saw the places St. Paul preached, the sites of some of the “Seven Churches” of Revelation. We saw the early Christian basilica’s – now all turned into mosques.

We learned a bit about the decline of the Eastern Roman Empire. It survived the fall of the Western half for another millennium. Perhaps the Roman emperor, a believing Christian, was heeding God's warning in Revelation “Come out of her (Rome) my people” when he moved the capital of the empire to Constantinople, or perhaps it was just the centre of the empire by then. Either way they escaped the destruction of Rome and the slide of the west into the dark ages.

But as we looked at church frescoes we saw the decline of Biblical Christianity there. Myths and human legends came to supplement and even supplant true Biblical scenes as the message of this admittedly beautiful wall art.

It came as little surprise then when our study guide claimed that the islamification of this region involved little coercion. The population gladly forsook their “Christianity” which lacked any spiritual vitality to join the passionate advocates of Islam.

Of course the West rose after the middle ages. Christianity flared to life again and again in revivals in all nations and churches. Despite the times the light of the Gospel dimmed to a few embers, under the grace of God it flared anew. Prosperity, freedom, rule of law all flourished. Western nations were on top of the world.

And now … we are in decline!

Many commentators say Europe is in terminal decline. Saving a miracle they may be right! And for the rest, are we that far behind? I read recently that New Guinea people were converting to Islam because of their strict morals which contrasted so starkly with the degenerate morals they saw in “Christian” nations. That sounded a warning to me since many first century converts to Christianity from Roman and Greek culture were attracted to Christianity because its strict morals and monotheism contrasted with their own degenerate culture!

Have we lost some essentials of Christianity ?

As to prosperity, that is looking shaky after the 'global financial crisis' the choice of 'bread and circuses' over needed economic reform by the rulers and people of Greece and so forth.

As to freedom, the drift from democracy to bureaucratic rule in the European Union, the calls by activists that this or that issue is too important than to allow democratic choice, and the constant media attack on Christians and Christian values should worry any person who values freedom.

Is history repeating itself now in the “decline and fall of the West”? Most probably.

Is there any hope? Only one!

There is only one hope of saving Western nations: a Christian revival.

For those about to close this book right now, very hard … don't be a bigot … give me a chapter or two to make my case … who knows, I might have a point!

For those who think they agree with me …. not so fast … I may have a twist or two you were not expecting.

My first twist is this: While a Christian revival is most certainly the only hope of saving the West, that is merely a by-product.

The first, second and third reasons anyone should want a Christian revival is so that people should develop that friendship with God which grows like a swelling flower bud in spring during this life and bursts into full and beautiful bloom in heaven.

This is what really matters most. This life is transitory: life in heaven with Jesus never ends. So while we do long to make this world a better place for all; making people become friends with Jesus is better for them by far. If we can do both, then we are really achieving something!

Saving the West is a by-product, but a very beneficial by-product of saving people.

As more people develop their friendship with God they begin to think, act and respond in a more God-like and less flawed-human way. As the true character and commands of God become more widely known in a country the social mores and folk-ways which give the moral tone and social timbre to a community become more God-like and less the product of flawed human nature. The more these things progress in a country the better life becomes for all the people in it.

Next: “calling all progressives”. Many good hearted people have embraced Progressive Socialism as the best means of improving life on earth. What if, for all its promises, it is not?

Saturday, 5 September 2015

New Series Next Week

I have decided to end “My Adventures with God” there for the time being.

Obviously I have had many more adventures and ups and downs since then and God has been and is the most important being in my life, but those must be stories for another time!

Next week I shall (God willing) begin a new series ….


By “the West” I have in mind the countries founded on western Christian culture.

By “saving” … are some or all of the on the path to national collapse? Can this impending disaster be averted? How?